Research studies may be conducted to improve overall blood safety, further the advancements made in transfusion medicine, and for other purposes.
Participation in research is voluntary. By agreeing to donate, you are agreeing to the potential use of your donor information, blood and blood samples in research. Donor information to be used for research will not identify you specifically.
Research participation will not involve any cost, time, or additional procedures beyond the normal donation process. Risks of donation are uncommon and include anxiety, discomfort, injury, and loss of privacy or confidentiality. You will receive a separate document fully describing the normal donation process, its risks and hazards.
Research staff from blood centers, universities, government agencies, and drug or health companies from the U.S. and around the world may conduct studies using your donor information, blood and blood samples.
It is possible that commercial researchers or companies may benefit financially from the use of your unidentifiable donor information, blood and blood samples in research.
You will not be informed of the purpose or details of specific studies that might be conducted, to which you may or may not have chosen to otherwise consent.
Without your specific additional consent, we will not allow research involving whole genome sequencing, which examines the entire length of a person’s genetic code.
Your decision will not change your future relationship with the blood center.
If you have additional questions at any time about your rights, the storage and use of your donor information, blood and blood samples, or if you need to report potential harm related to research, you may contact Special Donor Services at 800-688-0900. If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, call the Institutional Review Board administrator at (212-570-3038).
By electronically acknowledging or physically signing the consent to donate, you are also giving consent to allow us to use your information, blood and blood samples for research purposes.